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Bitesize coaching for NHS staff

An evaluation undertaken by the Oxford AHSN of the NHS South East Leadership Academy Bitesize Coaching offer provided an insight into how staff are feeling. It highlighted how a 45-minute coaching session helped staff find ways through the pressures of work/life during a pandemic. The overarching theme was that the coaching session created space to breathe in a non-judgemental environment, enabling staff to discover immediate coping strategies and build longer term plans. It also allowed them to be honest with how they were feeling without a sense of letting anyone down.

Here is what some staff had to say:

  • “It felt like a gift of time and conversation”
  • “It gave me permission to take care of myself”
  • “The session brought hope of stability”
  • “If we all do coaching, culture will change

Download a copy of the full ‘Creating Space’ evaluation here.

Find out more about the NHS South East Leadership Academy Bitesize Coaching offer here