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New roles for Oxford AHSN chief officer

Gary Ford national chair quote from news storyProfessor Gary Ford, Chief Executive of the Oxford AHSN, is the new Chair of the AHSN Network, which brings together England’s 15 AHSNs. Richard Stubbs, Chief Executive of Yorkshire and Humber AHSN, is the new Vice Chair. They take on the roles on 1 April 2021.

Gary said: “I am delighted to be taking on this role at an important time for AHSNs and the wider NHS. Through the pandemic AHSNs have demonstrated our value to local health systems and NHS regional teams, providing practical support and leadership through key initiatives including COVID Oximetry @home.

“We need to continue to build on these strengths in our future national and local work, and – working with our NHS partners, academia and industry – accelerate the uptake of well-evidenced innovations and clinical pathway redesign that improve health and social care outcomes.”

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