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Update on research and innovation infrastructure

webinar poster14.00-15.00


Watch the webinar video here


The AHSN Network explores its work to understand NHS priorities for health and care innovation and how collaboration with research partners including new Applied Research Collaborations (ARCs) and Academic Health Science Centres (AHSCs) are responding to these needs. Speakers will focus on addressing the four priority areas which emerged from the 2019 national research and innovation needs survey commissioned by the AHSN Network: workforce challenges, mental health, multimorbidity and use of digital technologies and artificial intelligence.

Further information and booking details here.

The webinar is chaired by Prof Gary Ford, Chief Executive of the Oxford Academic Health Science Network and Vice Chair of the AHSN Network. He will discuss the implications of the research and innovation needs survey.

Other speakers:

  • Eileen Kaner, from the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration for the North East and North Cumbria, will outline the role of ARCs.
  • Mike Roberts, from UCLPartners Academic Health Science System, will focus on the difference between AHSNs and Academic Health Science Centres.
  • Zoe Lelliott, from the Health Innovation Network – the AHSN for south London, will look at the priorities of the Accelerated Access Collaborative.
Event Types: Partner event AHSN Network